Chef公式ドキュメントのuser http://docs.opscode.com/resource_user.html
Chef公式ドキュメントのgroup http://docs.opscode.com/resource_group.html
Chef を始める #3 – ユーザ作成を自動化する 〜 Data Bags を使ってみる 〜 http://dev.classmethod.jp/cloud/aws/chef-user-create-data-bags/
・作成ディレクトリを/home 直下ではなく、/home/staff/直下に。
・基本グループはwheelに入っていて、usermod -G でいつもは指定している追加グループにApache(rpmインストール) を入れたい。
cookbook adduser
./attributes ./attributes/default.rb ./files/default/rebine ./files/default/rebine/authorized_keys ./files/default/tk ./files/default/tk/authorized_keys ./recipes ./recipes/default.rb |
directory '#{node[:useradd][:staffdir]}' do owner "root" group "root" mode 00755 action :create end user 'rebine' do comment 'rebine' uid 501 gid 10 home "/home/staff/rebine" shell '/bin/bash' password nil supports :manage_home => true action [:create, :manage] end user 'tk' do comment 'tk' uid 502 gid 10 home "/home/staff/tk" shell '/bin/bash' password nil supports :manage_home => true action [:create, :manage] end group 'apache' do action :modify members node[:useradd][:staff] append true end node[:useradd][:staff].each do |staff_name| directory "#{node[:useradd][:staffdir]}/#{staff_name}/.ssh" do owner "#{staff_name}" group "wheel" mode 00700 action :create end cookbook_file "#{node[:useradd][:staffdir]}/#{staff_name}/.ssh/authorized_keys" do source "#{staff_name}/authorized_keys" owner "#{staff_name}" group "wheel" mode 0600 end end cookbook_file "/etc/ftpusers" do source "ftpusers" owner "root" group "root" mode 0644 end |
#{node[:useradd][:staffdir]} というのは、/home直下にずらっと並べたくなかったので、わざわざ別ディレクトリを作ってる。
group apache はrpmで入れた後を想定しているので、:modify に。とはいえ、Apacheを先に入れないレシピの時には[:create :modify]をしてる。
set[:useradd][:staff] = [ "rebine" , "tk"] set[:useradd][:staffdir] = "/home/staff" set[:useradd][:uid][:rebine] = "501" set[:useradd][:uid][:tk] = "502" |
Starting Chef Client, version 11.10.0 Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 9 resources Recipe: useradd::default * directory[#{node[:useradd][:staffdir]}] action create (up to date) * user[rebine] action create (up to date) * user[rebine] action manage (up to date) * user[tk] action create (up to date) * user[tk] action manage (up to date) * group[apache] action modify (up to date) * directory[/home/staff/rebine/.ssh] action create (up to date) * cookbook_file[/home/staff/rebine/.ssh/authorized_keys] action create (up to date) * directory[/home/staff/tk/.ssh] action create (up to date) * cookbook_file[/home/staff/tk/.ssh/authorized_keys] action create - create new file /home/staff/tk/.ssh/authorized_keys - update content in file /home/staff/tk/.ssh/authorized_keys from none to ec6194 --- /home/staff/tk/.ssh/authorized_keys 2014-05-24 19:47:43.999194281 +0900 +++ /tmp/.authorized_keys20140524-8028-vwf7cc 2014-05-24 19:47:44.000194281 +0900 @@ -1 +1,4 @@ +ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALpyxq (略) +ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQ (略) +ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALQT5N (略) - change mode from '' to '0600' - change owner from '' to 'tk' - change group from '' to 'wheel' * cookbook_file[/etc/ftpusers] action create (up to date) Running handlers: Running handlers complete Chef Client finished, 1/11 resources updated in 0.569500971 seconds |
Starting Chef Client, version 11.10.0 Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 9 resources Recipe: useradd::default * directory[#{node[:useradd][:staffdir]}] action create (up to date) * user[rebine] action create (up to date) * user[rebine] action manage (up to date) * user[tk] action create (up to date) * user[tk] action manage (up to date) * group[apache] action modify (up to date) * directory[["/home/staff"]/rebine/.ssh] action create * Parent directory ["/home/staff"]/rebine does not exist, cannot create ["/home/staff"]/rebine/.ssh ================================================================================ Error executing action `create` on resource 'directory[["/home/staff"]/rebine/.ssh]' ================================================================================ Chef::Exceptions::EnclosingDirectoryDoesNotExist ------------------------------------------------ Parent directory ["/home/staff"]/rebine does not exist, cannot create ["/home/staff"]/rebine/.ssh Resource Declaration: --------------------- # In /usr/chef-repo/cookbooks/useradd/recipes/default.rb 58: directory "#{node[:useradd][:staffdir]}/#{staff_name}/.ssh" do 59: owner "#{staff_name}" 60: group "wheel" 61: mode 00700 62: action :create 63: end 64: Compiled Resource: ------------------ # Declared in /usr/chef-repo/cookbooks/useradd/recipes/default.rb:58:in `block in from_file' directory("["/home/staff"]/rebine/.ssh") do provider Chef::Provider::Directory action [:create] retries 0 retry_delay 2 path "[\"/home/staff\"]/rebine/.ssh" cookbook_name :useradd recipe_name "default" owner "rebine" group "wheel" mode 448 end Running handlers: [2014-05-24T19:46:34+09:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers Running handlers complete [2014-05-24T19:46:34+09:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete [2014-05-24T19:46:34+09:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/chef-solo/cache/chef-stacktrace.out Chef Client failed. 0 resources updated in 0.519964345 seconds [2014-05-24T19:46:34+09:00] ERROR: directory[["/home/staff"]/rebine/.ssh] (useradd::default line 58) had an error: Chef::Exceptions::EnclosingDirectoryDoesNotExist: Parent directory ["/home/staff"]/rebine does not exist, cannot create ["/home/staff"]/rebine/.ssh [2014-05-24T19:46:34+09:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1) |
この失敗は何かというと、chefの0.10 時代のattributesの記述で[]を全ての値に入れて、配列にしていたから。
set[:useradd][:staffdir] = ["/home/staff"]
set[:useradd][:staffdir] = "/home/staff"